【Google】 Mobile Search with My Location now with Wi-Fi
Gears Geolocation APIが無線LANからも位置情報を取得できるようになったらしい。
Official Google Mobile Blog: My Location now with Wi-Fi
Today, we're taking another step toward that goal, with the release of My Location with Wi-Fi, which will provide even greater accuracy when you use a device with Wi-Fi. The premise is similar to what we do with cell tower information: information transmitted by nearby Wi-Fi access points is used to pinpoint your location. Since the range of a Wi-Fi access point is smaller than that of a cell phone tower, this often results in a much more accurate position.
Today, we're taking another step toward that goal, with the release of My Location with Wi-Fi, which will provide even greater accuracy when you use a device with Wi-Fi. The premise is similar to what we do with cell tower information: information transmitted by nearby Wi-Fi access points is used to pinpoint your location. Since the range of a Wi-Fi access point is smaller than that of a cell phone tower, this often results in a much more accurate position.
Wi-Fi-based location is available in many major cities around the world, but coverage and accuracy will vary. We expect it to improve over time as more people use it.
#Gears Geolocation APIでは問題なく位置取得できているのに。
# → Wi-Fiアクセスポイントではなく、IPアドレスから位置取得
Gears API Blog: WiFi-based geolocation, anyone?
Guess what? The Gears Geolocation API got even better! We have just released a new version of Gears,, which contains an enhanced implementation of the Geolocation API. This new version uses WiFi access point signals to return significantly more accurate results, making it a lot more useful on laptop computers.
Guess what? The Gears Geolocation API got even better! We have just released a new version of Gears,, which contains an enhanced implementation of the Geolocation API. This new version uses WiFi access point signals to return significantly more accurate results, making it a lot more useful on laptop computers.
そういえば、Android携帯「T-Mobile G1」は本日発売ですね。
10.27auから新発表! | au by KDDI
Google Code Blog: Introducing the Gears Geolocation API for all laptop WiFi users
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